The Fagus Group celebrated the completion of the business year on Saturday, 23 December 2017, in the Hajdučke Vode restaurant. The good mood for having completed a successful business year was increased by the joy of the present staff for the occasion of awarding recognitions to employees for 10 and 20 years of service at the Fagus Group.
It has become tradition that every year the Fagus Group, as a sign of attention and mutual respect, buys gold rings to all its employees with more than 10 years spent in service. On average, each gold ring weighs from 10 to 15 grams, it is made of pure gold with the famous Fagus cube. Since this tradition started in 2006, 161 employees have received the gold ring. Out of 15 employees, awarded the rings this year, 10 of them are from Silvatika, 3 from Vrbanja Šume, 1 from Bor Petrol and 1 from Fagus Haus. Last year, we have started with awarding a Charter with the gold Fagus cube to the employees having 20 years of service at the Fagus Group for their dedicated work, mutual trust and respect.
This year, the Charter was awarded to 4 employees, out of whom 3 are from Vrbanja Šume and 1 from Abis. The gold Fagus cube in the Charter is made of pure gold and it weighs 10 grams. The total of 15 gold Charters has been awarded until the present. Mr. Miroslav Malijević, General Manager, welcome all the present with a short speech and a motivational message for 2018:
„My dear Fagusians, while we are bringing another year to an end, I would like to greet you all from my heart. I would really like to thank all the employees working at the Fagus Group and all of you, who are present here this evening at our traditional dinner, in the name of our family members and in the name of the two of us, the owners, for all your sacrifices and dedication you have invested. The amount of the given sacrifice and dedication to the goals is always equal to the results achieved. In addition to our regular business, we have worked a lot this year on our investments and we have done a lot. As for the initiated facilities, I expect to make them operational next year. I would like to thank all of you who have given your small or large contribution to it. Changes and the word change! If, until now, we did not know and feel or understood, I believe that the majority of us has started noticing it by now. Changes happen whether on the inside or on the outside, whether we want them or not. It is good to see them and to react and it is even better to make changes on our own. Changes create opportunities, opportunities create winners. We have winners, if we have achieved the set targets and if we have used changes well, that is, if we have used the opportunities well. I believe that, in one year’s time and in this very same place, we will be celebrating the victory of all our members and that we will use opportunities and achieve the set targets. Growth and development are the response for the future. This is why we should grow. Disintegration is natural and integration needs to be created on our own. Let us integrate our strengths to win! I would like to inform you of another decision of mine that starts as of RIGHT NOW, IMMEDIATELY. Employees of all the Group members, achieving the set goals in 2018, will be given Christmas BONUS or as we use to call it the thirteen salary. The amount of it will be announced in the first quarter. Please, convey this to your employees. Our people are our resource. With achievement of results, we can have better people. With even better people, we can continue making victories. This is why we should set the goal and dedicate ourselves to it for the Fagus to become „the most desirable employer” in all our industries. This is why we have to continue investing into human development, i.e. development of our staff to bring the best ones, as our strength is based on the strength of people making our teams. In 2018, we will continue with further growth and development, fully aware that our growth is based on increasing satisfaction of our clients. This is why we have to offer them solutions that will exceed their expectations. I expect more of our mutual respect and trust. I expect more of integration and less of destruction. I expect better communication. Faster and better information sharing. Faster feedback. I expect you to be KEEN ON KNOWLEDGE. I firmly believe in achieving the set goals. In the name of the most responsible ones at Fagus and all the employees, I would like to thank all our clients and business partners for their trust. My dear business associates, I wish us all to have a happier 2018 than the previous one. God bless you!“